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AI in SEO: Top Tools and a Practical Guide (2023)

Ai in SEO

Artificial intelligence (AI) is perpetually changing and revolutionizing technology as we know it. This is especially true in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). In today’s digital landscape, SEO has emerged as a critical tool for businesses seeking to enhance their online visibility. By optimizing a website for search engines, like Google, businesses can increase their reach, attract more targeted traffic, and improve their chances of converting casual visitors into loyal customers. Current advancements in AI have made it significantly easier for businesses to optimize their SEO tactics in a multitude of different ways. In this article we’ll discuss the top AI driven tools that are making it that much easier for professionals looking to up their SEO game.

Understanding AI in the Context of SEO

Artificial intelligence refers to the concept of enabling machines to simulate human intelligence processes, and it has become a significant factor in the realm of Search Engine Optimization. AI’s relevance in SEO is increasingly apparent, with search engines like Google using sophisticated algorithms and machine learning to evaluate and rank content. This technological melding has revolutionized the field of SEO, making the understanding of AI’s role essential for achieving and maintaining high-ranking web visibility.

AI greatly influences organic traffic through dynamic algorithms that adapt to ever-changing user patterns, preferences, and behaviors. This dynamic shift towards AI significantly outpaces traditional SEO methods, such as keyword stuffing or backlinking, which have inherent limitations. These older practices often failed to account for the context or quality of content, focusing more on volume and density of keywords or links. This could lead to inauthentic and irrelevant results, frustrating users and diluting the efficacy of search engines. AI’s nuanced, context-aware approach thus provides a more refined, user-centric search engine results pages (SERPs), improving user satisfaction and enhancing organic traffic.

Google’s Policy on AI-Generated Content

Google holds a nuanced policy towards AI-generated content, with an emphasis on promoting transparency, accountability, and fairness. The company commits to ensuring that AI and machine learning technologies are developed and used responsibly, with a specific focus on the quality and intent of content rather than the method of its production. Google also prioritizes clearly communicating the use of AI in its products and services to users, enabling a greater understanding and control. It is of paramount importance to Google that AI and machine learning systems respect user’s privacy, uphold high standards of scientific excellence, and remain socially beneficial.

Some of the key points from Google’s policy include:

Quality Over Method

Google’s ranking systems are designed to reward high-quality, people-first, original content. Content that demonstrates expertise, experience, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) is valued highest, regardless of how it was produced. 

Automation and Spam

Google’s policy on automation and spam holds that it is a violation to use automation, including AI, to generate content that’s primary purpose is to manipulate search results ranking. That being said, not all automated content, some of which is derived from AI generation, is considered spam. For example, live updates on sports scores, real-time weather forecasts, and transcripts are all helpful forms of AI generated content. 

Authorship and Disclosures

Google recommends having accurate author bylines when readers would reasonably expect it. AI or automation disclosures are useful for content where someone might think “How was this created?”

AI and Misinformation

Google’s systems focus on high-quality information that is obtained from reliable sources. Information that contradicts well-established consensus on important topics is ignored. This criteria is the same for both human-generated and AI-generated content. 

Top 16 AI Tools for SEO in 2023

Top LLM AI Tool for SEO

Chat GPT 4:

Advanced language model developed by OpenAI designed to generate human-like responses to specific text-based input

Key features: Robust machine learning framework, powerful natural language understanding

Best for: Drafting emails, creating written content, tutoring in a range of subjects, simulating characters for video games, engaging in friendly chat

Pricing: Free option, Chat GPT plus starting at $20/month

Pros: Capable of generating human-like text, trained on a vast range of data, versatile across numerous topics and industries

Cons: Sometimes generate inappropriate or nonsensical responses, require substantial computational resources and data for training

Falcon LLM:

TII’s flagship series of large language models, built from scratch using a custom data pipeline and distributed training library

Key features: Custom data pipeline, distributed training library, advanced language understanding

Best for: Content generation, data analysis, customer service automation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: Custom-built, high scalability, wide range of applications

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications


An AI-based chatbot platform with a focus on natural language processing

Key features: Natural language processing, pre-trained models, customizable chatbots

Best for: Customer service, engagement, data collection

Pricing: Free for basic use, premium plans available

Pros: Wide range of pre-trained models, high customizability

Cons: Requires some technical knowledge, premium features can be expensive


AI platform specializing in automating business processes

Key features: Business process automation, AI modeling, data analysis

Best for: Automating repetitive tasks, data analysis

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High scalability, wide range of applications, can automate complex processes

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications

Top AI Image Generation Software


Dall-E is a generative AI technology that enables users to create new images with text to graphics prompts.

Key features: Complex neural network, ability to generate user specific prompts, deep learning model

Best for: Generating images based on specific parameters and styles.

Pricing: Free, credit-based purchasing option after certain amount of images generated

Pros: Innovative and creative, wide range of applications

Cons: Unpredictability, potential for job displacement in the graphic design industry


AI-based image generation software with a focus on customization

Key features: Custom image generation, AI modeling, deep learning

Best for: Graphic design, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High customizability, wide range of applications

Cons: Requires some technical knowledge, cost can be high for large-scale applications


AI platform specializing in image generation and analysis

Key features: Image generation, image analysis, AI modeling

Best for: Graphic design, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High scalability, wide range of applications, can generate complex images

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications


AI-based image generation software with a focus on speed and efficiency

Key features: Fast image generation, AI modeling, deep learning

Best for: Graphic design, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High speed, wide range of applications

Cons: Requires some technical knowledge, cost can be high for large-scale applications

Top AI SEO Audit Software

Surfer SEO:

AI tool using NLP for on-page SEO optimization. It analyzes competitor keywords, suggests keyword usage, and integrates with CMS platforms

Key features: SERP analysis, keyword research, content editor, SEO audit

Best for: Streamlining on-page SEO with insights on keywords and headings

Pricing: Starting at $69/month

Pros: Comprehensive tool, user-friendly, insightful reports, continuous updates

Cons: Price, complexity of advanced features, limited backlink analysis 


AI-based SEO audit tool with a focus on keyword analysis

Key features: Keyword analysis, SEO audit, content optimization

Best for: SEO optimization, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High scalability, wide range of applications, can optimize SEO tactics

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications


AI-based SEO audit tool with a focus on content optimization

Key features: Content optimization, SEO audit, keyword analysis

Best for: SEO optimization, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High scalability, wide range of applications, can optimize SEO tactics

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications

Alli AI:

AI-based SEO audit tool with a focus on backlink analysis

Key features: Backlink analysis, SEO audit, content optimization

Best for: SEO optimization, marketing, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High scalability, wide range of applications, can optimize SEO tactics

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications

Top AI Checker and Plagiarism Checker


AI driven tool used for checking style and grammatical features, plagiarism, and the presence of AI generated content in text based input

Key features: Content graded out of 100% for human generated content, content based grammar correction, content style and tone guidance, advanced plagiarism detection.

Best for: Checking originality of content, ensuring grammatical accuracy of content or emails, improving overall content style and tone. 

Pricing: $18 per user/month

Pros: User-friendly interface, variety of writing styles, grammar and plagiarism checker

Cons: Limited offline functionality, complexity of usage for beginners 


AI-based plagiarism checker with a focus on originality

Key features: Plagiarism detection, originality score, content analysis

Best for: Ensuring originality of content, academic research, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High accuracy, wide range of applications, can detect subtle instances of plagiarism

Cons: Requires some technical knowledge, cost can be high for large-scale applications

OpenAI Text Classifier:

AI-based text classifier with a focus on natural language processing

Key features: Text classification, natural language processing, AI modeling

Best for: Data analysis, customer service automation, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High accuracy, wide range of applications, can classify complex texts

Cons: Requires technical expertise, cost can be high for large-scale applications

Copyleaks AI Content Detector:

AI-based plagiarism checker with a focus on accuracy

Key features: Plagiarism detection, content analysis, AI modeling

Best for: Ensuring originality of content, academic research, content creation

Pricing: Varies based on usage

Pros: High accuracy, wide range of applications, can detect subtle instances of plagiarism

Cons: Requires some technical knowledge, cost can be high for large-scale applications

ChatGPT: The Modern-Day Content Calculator

Chat GPT and other large language models (LLMs) parallel the revolutionary impact of the calculator’s invention. The modern calculator was invented in the 1960s with a key landmark being the introduction of the pocket calculator by Texas Instruments in 1972. It allowed rapid, accurate calculations, revolutionizing fields like science and mathematics.

Similarly, Chat GPT serves as a ‘content calculator’, enhancing efficiency by quickly generating vast amounts of text. Its applications range from crafting blog posts and social media content to summarizing complex legal documents. Just as the calculator transformed computations, LLMs are reshaping content creation, replacing traditional writing processes with AI-driven techniques.

Limitations of ChatGPT as a Source of Knowledge

Chat GPT, while an impressive leap forward in AI technology, has its own share of limitations when it comes to serving as a reliable source of knowledge. The first limitation is accuracy. The information provided by Chat GPT is based on patterns and correlations in the data it was trained on and doesn’t have any way to check if this information is current, accurate, or broadly accepted.

The second limitation is that AI lacks the ability to understand or consider context deeply. While it can often generate text that seems contextually relevant, it has no real understanding of the world or the topic at hand. This lack of understanding means the model can sometimes produce outputs that are nonsensical or not fully aligned with the input it was given.

Additionally, Chat GPT’s output lacks a consistent ‘personality’ or ‘voice’. The model doesn’t have beliefs, opinions, feelings, or desires. It does not have access to personal data about individuals unless explicitly provided during the conversation, and it cannot form long-term memories or learn new information after training. This means it can’t provide the same level of personalized interaction or advice that a human could, and its responses can sometimes be impersonal or out-of-touch.

Use Cases of AI in SEO

Use CaseValue Proposition
Content GenerationGenerate engaging blog posts, social media content, and more, tailored to your brand’s voice and audience’s interests.
Research AssistanceQuickly gather and summarize information on a specific topic from the web or PDFs, enhancing productivity and efficiency.
Legal Document AnalysisNavigate complex legal language with ease, as Chat GPT extracts and simplifies key points from legal documents.
Video/Audio SummarizationSave time by getting concise overviews of long videos or audio files, focusing on the key points without the need for full engagement.
Educational Material SummarizationEnhance learning efficiency with concise overviews and key points from textbooks or other educational materials.
Customer ServiceImprove customer experience by providing quick, accurate, and personalized responses to customer queries.
Content Strategy DevelopmentLeverage Chat GPT’s ability to analyze and understand market trends, helping to shape a more effective content strategy.
Product Description GenerationCreate unique, engaging, and SEO-friendly product descriptions at scale, improving online visibility and conversion rates.
Email DraftingSave time on email communication by generating drafts for common email scenarios, allowing for personalization and review.
Social Media EngagementRespond to comments, craft engaging posts, and manage social media presence more efficiently.

The Implications of AI in SEO

The implementation of AI in SEO has revolutionized the digital marketing landscape, rendering it more dynamic and data-driven. AI’s ability to analyze user behavior and search patterns, coupled with its proficiency in interpreting complex data sets, aids in understanding the ever-evolving algorithms of search engines. This, in turn, allows businesses to optimize their web content effectively, enhancing visibility and driving organic traffic. However, the automated nature of AI also poses challenges. As increasingly sophisticated AI tools are developed, there is a risk of ‘black hat’ SEO tactics being employed more frequently, potentially skewing search results and creating an uneven playing field. That being said, search engines like Google still prioritize content quality over the methods by which they are produced. 

AI-driven SEO content and data pose some ethical questions that are worth considering. Personal data privacy, content transparency, and content validity are at the forefront of current discussions. From an ethical perspective, the hyper-personalization enforced by AI can lead to privacy concerns. As AI algorithms utilize large amounts of data to personalize search results, the issue of data privacy becomes paramount. Users might feel their privacy invaded if their personal information is used without explicit consent. Moreover, AI’s predictive capabilities may lead to a filter bubble effect, where users are only shown content that aligns with their past behavior, thus limiting exposure to a diverse range of information. Current research is still considering the validity of AI generated content, as misinformation is a serious concern in the realm of information obtained online. 

The Future of SEO in the AI Era

As is the nature of technology, AI and SEO are perpetually advancing. One noteworthy AI trend is the rise of voice search, enabled by AI voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant, which require SEO practices to optimize for conversational queries. AI is also powering advancements in semantic search, with Google’s BERT algorithm fundamentally altering how search queries are interpreted. Machine learning, a subset of AI, is being used to predict user behavior and personalize search results. This hyper-personalization trend means SEO strategies need to target user intent more accurately. Anticipating the users’ needs will be a key SEO skill in the AI-driven digital marketing future.

Additionally, AI-driven visual recognition technology presents a variety of new opportunities for optimizing SEO tactics for e-commerce and image reliant industries. Advancements in visual search optimization offer cutting-edge tactics that can allow these types of businesses to get ahead of the competition. 

While the integration of AI in SEO holds promising prospects for digital marketing, it also presents certain challenges. One major challenge is the complexity of AI technology, which requires a deep understanding to effectively harness its potential. This raises the barrier to entry for small businesses without the resources to invest in AI-driven SEO strategies.


AI is changing the way businesses think about SEO strategies and online marketing. While there are both pros and cons to all the different AI tools available, there is no doubt that AI is transforming the landscape of SEO and digital marketing. Whether this transformation is for the better or worse is up to the individual to decide. Tools like Chat GPT have the potential to significantly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of content creation, however there is still much work to be done on the validity of AI generated content. Regardless, it is clear that the future of SEO is destined to be influenced by AI, and the best thing to do is to embrace these cutting-edge and exciting new technologies.

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